Ingredients Directions Hints: Add coloring to the water before you mix it all together Poke hole in shape before baking for hanging Make a few different batches in different colors…
Famous Scientists This list was researched and created for us by Kristyn Byrne for our Time To Wonder fundraising event held on September 23, 2010. Each scientist was used as a...
Materials: What to do: What’s happening: When you blow, a pulse of compressed air flows down the straw. The pulse travels down the straw at Mach 1, the speed of...
Materials: Experiment: Have an adult cut the lemon in half. This is your ink.Dip the end of the cotton swab, paint brush or your finger into the “ink” and use...
Materials: OR We’ve used both and they work well. They’re basically the same measurements but the 9 oz of Dawn is an actual size you can buy. There are 16...
Cuentos con Ritmo is a weekly Spanish Language Story Time class that incorporates books/stories, music, movement, and fun! This program brings understanding, appreciation, and joy to another language and culture. This program is much more than a Storytime, it’s an engaging/sing-along/celebration of the Spanish language and culture!
We LOVE our members! On Sunday mornings the Children’s Museum dedicates the first 2 hours of the day to members only. Interested in becoming a member? Check out our affordable…