Children's Museum of Sonoma County

A Word from our Programs Manager

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Dear Teachers,

With the latest news of schools closing through the end of the school year, my first thought was of you. I’m a former teacher; I know how deeply you love and care for your students, and how this news has come as a heartbreaking blow. Not to mention, the fact that you have had the Herculean assignment of shifting from traditional classroom teaching to distance learning makes you some of our heroes in this time, although I’m sure right now, you’re feeling grief and sadness. 

We at CMOSC are feeling a lot of the same emotions. We feel a deep sense of loss regarding our closure, and our hearts ache for the time when we can look our young guests in the eye, in person, and welcome them back to our museum for a time of exploration and wonder.

Until such time as we’re able to reopen, our Programs team has been working diligently to provide families with resources through our online spaces. We’ve been making instructional videoswriting up directions to our most popular programs (STEAM based!), and have even begun recording our favorite story books, so students won’t miss out on our Storytimes. 

We’d love it if you would partner with us in this endeavor and share our links with your families. We’re posting daily to our Facebook and Instagram accounts, plus our blog is updated constantly. Also, these are not just for families; if something in our resources supports your curriculum, please use it!

Thinking of you, and looking forward to when you (and we!) can have our halls filled with our beloved students again.

Stay safe, friends. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us,

Aymie Smith
Programs Manager

Online Resources

Our Resources Webpage has a wealth of educational information and resources from CMOSC and other trusted sources.

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