Access for School Kids

The Access for School Kids (ASK) program is designed to allow students to access the Children’s Museum of Sonoma County’s educational programming regardless of geographic or socio-economic barriers.  Title 1 elementary schools and government-funded preschools seek enriching experiences for their students, but often cannot afford admission or transportation costs.  Our ASK Program opens doors to enriching science-based learning opportunities at CMOSC and on school campuses.  Generous donations to the ASK Program provide access for all Sonoma County children by underwriting Museum-on-the-Go school visits and funding costs for field trips.

Why the ASK Program is important

  • With more demands being placed on teachers to raise student performance on core subjects, less time is being devoted to art and science in elementary schools
  • Field trip transportation costs and a shortage of chaperones prevent some schools in need from visiting the Children’s Museum
  • The Museum-on-the-Go is available to supplement science education on a school’s campus, but some schools are unable to afford the program curriculum fees

The Children’s Museum provides one (1) free field trip and one (1) Museum-on-the-Go visit to schools serving low-income students each year as the cornerstone of the Access for School Kids (ASK) program. Local companies can increase our outreach by becoming sponsors of the ASK program.


Thanks to the generosity of these donors, more students and schools receive access to interactive science enrichment programs:

Beyers Costin Simon

Mary’s Pizza Shack

Safeway Foundation

Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation


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