Spanish Language Classes in Santa Rosa

Cuentos con Ritmo (Stories with Rhythm)

Cuentos con Ritmo is a Spanish-language program designed for young children and their families. It immerses participants in a dynamic environment where they engage with the language through stories, music, movement, rhymes, and games. Whether your family is new to Spanish or it is your heritage language, these presentations offer an opportunity to explore and enjoy Spanish together.

Designed for kids ages 1-5 years old, siblings, and families.

Cuentos con Ritmo: Cuentos + Música + Movimiento

Cuentos con Ritmo es una oportunidad única semanal para niños de 1 a 5 años y sus familias, el cual aporta alegría, comprensión y aprecio por la lengua española a toda la comunidad. Durante Cuentos con Ritmo, los pequeños visitantes y sus familias participan de forma lúdica en historias interactivas con música y movimiento fortaleciendo nuestra diversa comunidad y entusiasmo por la lengua meta.

Cuentos con Ritmo es presentado por Guadalupe Tausch en colaboración con la organización que fundó, Colors of Spanish. Originaria del estado de Guanajuato en México, tiene una maestría en español con énfasis en la adquisición de una segunda lengua para la primera infancia y continúa sus estudios enfocada en la primera infancia especializándose en la adquisición de idiomas a través de la música/movimiento. Colors of Spanish ofrece talleres para profesores, bibliotecarios y cuidadores y organiza programas de cuentos en español con música y movimiento en escuelas, bibliotecas y museos locales.

Presentado por Colors of Spanish:

Stories with Rhythm: Stories + Music + Movement

Cuentos con Ritmo (Stories with Rhythm) is a weekly one-of-a-kind opportunity for children ages 1-5 and their families that brings joy, understanding and appreciation for the Spanish language to Spanish- and English-speaking speakers alike. During Cuentos con Ritmo, young visitors and their families playfully engage in interactive stories with music and movement that build community and an excitement for language!

Cuentos con Ritmo is presented by Guadalupe Tausch in collaboration with the organization she founded, Colors of Spanish. Originally from the state of Guanajuato in México, she has a master’s degree in Spanish with emphasis in second language acquisition for early childhood and continues her study of childhood and music/movement trainings. Colors of Spanish provides workshops for teachers, librarians and caregivers and hosts Spanish story time with music & movement programs at local schools, libraries, and museums.

Presented by Colors of Spanish:

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