Group Visit Request Form

Group Visit Request Form

This is a request form, not a confirmation of scheduling, we need two weeks to process requests. You will be contacted to confirm your requested dates.

PLEASE NOTE: There are limitations around days of the week and the size of group allowed. In an effort to speed up your booking process, please pay close attention to the guidelines under each question on the form. 

If your dates are flexible, please let us know. Please note if you prefer a specific month or day of the week.

Group Visit Maximum Numbers by Day
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday | 48 students (2 classes)
Saturday & Sunday | 24 students (1 class)
Tuesday (select dates) | 144 students (6 classes)


Organization Address *
Organization Address

Name of group organizer submitting application *
Name of group organizer submitting application
Phone number to reach the group on day-of visit *
Phone number to reach the group on day-of visit

*You are required to bring adults in a 1:4 ratio, they are covered in the cost of admission per group.
*For example: a typical class of 24 students is allowed 6 complimentary adults, this includes teachers. For 48 students you are allowed 12 complimentary adults, including teachers.
*Any adult above the 1:4 ratio is required to pay the same admission fee as the students

How do you plan to arrive to the Museum? *

Support is contingent upon the availability of funds and level of need. We cannot guarantee or predict the availability of funds.

Would you like CMOSC to consider your organization for scholarship funding? *

If scholarship funding is not available would you still like to make a reservation while you pursue other funding options?

Is there anything else we need to know about your group?

By checking the boxes you agree to our group visit policies.

The Museum REQUIRES 1 adult for every 4 children (1:4 ratio) and my group may be denied admission if I do not have enough adults. *

The group visit fee covers 1 adult for every 4 children unless I specifically noted special needs in my initial request. Teachers, staff, parents and other chaperones must be counted in this ratio. Additional adults will be charged the same admission rate as the students. *

If I need to cancel my visit, I will let the Museum know via email at least 2 weeks in advance. *

The Museum accepts checks, credit cards, cash, or purchase orders and asks that payment be consolidated into one transaction for the whole group. Payment is due the day of the visit and the Museum cannot issue refunds for checks that are completed in advance and written for more than the amount due. *

If my group chooses to eat at the Museum, we will eat in outdoor picnic areas that are shared with other guests. In consideration of guests with allergies, the Museum asks all guests to not bring food containing nuts. *

Birthday cakes, cupcakes, gifts and other items typically associated with birthday parties are NOT allowed in the Museum during a group visit. *


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