Set Up a Water Sensory Bin for Your Toddlers on Hot Days!

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With the weather turning warmer, playing in water is always a fun activity! Littles love the chance to splash, pour, and explore how water works, especially if it gives them a chance to cool off when it’s warm outside. This activity is incredibly versatile; you can keep it simple with just a few cups and bowls, or you can get as creative as the supplies in your house allow.
- Big plastic bin (storage bins work great)
- Water
- Towels
- Cups, bowls, funnels, bottles, plastic balls, measuring spoons…whatever you have in your house that could be played with in water.
- This activity is best done outside, if possible, due to the surety of water splashing and mess.
- Fill the bin with water, add the toys, and let your child have a great time!
- Make sure to have towels handy, and they will probably get soaked in the process.