Home Play

silhouettes of toddlers having a dance party

The Ultimate Dance Party for Kids

Get kids movin’ and shakin’ and groovin’, as well as laughing and enjoying themselves. This activity works great to encourage movement, gross motor skills, and interpersonal collaboration and communication.

shaker jars filled with different herbs and spices

Smell Jars

Smell is an incredibly powerful sense, and smell jars are a fun way for your child to learn and interact with the world around them.

egg carton beside cotton swabs set up for toddler activity

Egg Carton Cotton Swab Push

Help your toddler develop their fine motor skills while keeping them entertained for hours! Common household items make this a TPD Favorite.

woman mixing in food coloring to a metal bowl with flour inside

DIY Edible Fingerpaint

This Edible Fingerpaint recipe is easy to make at home, and is edible for littles ones who are exploring their taste sense!

kids with safety goggles on crowding around a fizz rocket science experiment

Fizz Rockets

Grab your safety goggles and learn how to launch fizz rockets! Fizz rockets are a fantastic science experiment that kids love to take part in.

shadow puppets

Shadow Puppet Theater

Are you looking for a great indoor activity for kids that takes little supplies and big imagination? Try making a DIY Shadow Puppet Theater!

elephants toothpaste foam exploding experiment

Elephant Toothpaste Science Experiment

This demonstration’s called Elephant’s Toothpaste because the chemical reaction produces a large foamy mess that looks like toothpaste squirting out of a tube.


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